
Thursday, April 3, 2014

An Unbreakable Cycle

Christopher and gravity, cyclin' some water.
     Boy, have I learned a lot about bell siphons in the last week. If fate is a cruel mistress then bell siphons are like fate's dastardly mother-in-law, or something to that effect. The smaller fittings work wonders, and I obtained two new pump sizes, one a 92 gph and the other a 200 gph, so before I moved to the two level system everything worked the way it should. That is everything worked when gravity was working for me. On the two level system the pump is working against gravity and the flow rate is thus affected to the extent that the inflow and the outflow create an equilibrium. This renders the bell siphon useless as it either never forms a suction due to there not being enough water buildup, or it creates but never breaks a suction which never allows water to buildup. Aye.

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